It is important that you understand you must get our permission before you fit any device to your property.
A permission form can be found on our website by clicking here.
If we grant you permission, it will be your responsibility to ensure that the CCTV system is used lawfully and any images or recordings captured are used or stored lawfully and in accordance with any law or regulations that apply. We will not take responsibility for the use of any such system.
As well as this, it is your duty to ensure that you capture, use, and store images and videos lawfully, again, this is not something we would take responsibility for.
If you are worried about a neighbours use of CCTV you are able to complain to the Information Commissioners Office about any concerns you have regarding your personal data, there is information online here.
If we do receive a complaint of inappropriate CCTV use by a Havebury tenant, we will issue a letter clarifying the responsibilities in relation to personal data and privacy. There may be exceptional instances where we take further action, but this is only where there is evidence of a serious breach of the tenancy agreement. In these cases, we may revoke permission but we will not remove the CCTV equipment ourselves.
You can find a full copy of our Improvements and Alterations policy here.