You told us you sometimes found it frustrating you didn’t have a dedicated officer for some of our services, due to our Tenancy and Estates team not working within a defined geographical area.
Because of this, you typically spoke to a different team member every time you called in, particularly in relation to things like anti-social behaviour (ASB) cases.
So we’ve made some changes to the way we work. From this week, the Neighbourhood and Estates team (formally called Tenancy and Estates) is now split into geographical patches, with two housing officers and rangers working within each patch.
This means we can balance responding to your calls and emails, with visiting you in your home and being out and about in your communities.
You will now have a dedicated team of people working within your community and be given a named contact when you report an ASB case to us.
Over the coming weeks, we will provide more detail on the patches and officers who work within these.
We have also recruited a new tenancy enforcement team leader. They will lead on serious ASB cases and tenancy breaches and support the housing officers with their cases. This will help improve our overall service when it comes to handling reports of anti-social behaviour and other tenancy issues.
Below, we have added more detail about what each of our new roles covers.
Housing officer
- Mutual exchanges
- Safeguarding
- Tenancy breaches and ASB
- Tenancy audits; tenancy fraud and starter tenancy monitoring
- Proactive estates work and engagement
- Tenancy changes
- Phone cover/emails and admin tasks
- Health and safety work
- Proactive estate management
- Grounds maintenance/cleansing inspections
- Estates inspections
Tenancy enforcement team leader
- High level/complex ASB cases
- Court action/enforcement
- Provide advice/support to housing officers
- Partner/agency meetings
- Case reviews
You can contact the team by calling 0300 3300 900, choosing options 4 and 1, or by entering extension number 7333. Alternatively, you can email them via
You can also access some of our neighbourhood and estates services via myHavebury. You can:
- tell us if you are moving out and end your home or garage tenancy with us
- report fly-tips, grass-cutting issues, abandoned vehicles or any other issues where you live
- update your name, phone number, email address
MyHavebury is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.