Posted on: June 13th 2024   •    Posted in: General News

Tackling fly-tipping

Fly-tipping is a common problem amongst the wider community.

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of household or trade waste. It can vary in size, from as little as a single bag of rubbish, to domestic items such as furniture and fridges and has a real impact on your community.

What to do if you discover a fly-tip:

  • If the offence is being committed at the time of the call, please contact your local police team by dialling 101.
  • We would advise you not to touch fly-tipped waste, as it may be dangerous.
  • Your council will treat this as a serious offence and will prosecute anyone caught fly-tipping waste.
  • You can also use myHavebury to report fly-tipping in the area. Once you are signed into the app you will see the “tell us something” icon.
  • When reporting a fly-tip you will see a map, which you can use to select the location of where the fly-tip is located.
  • Next, you can tell us the nature of the fly-tip (and if you know who has caused this issue). You also have the option of adding a photo to your report.

Our Neighbourhood and Estates team have been working hard with residents to reduce fly-tips and in January 2024, our Engagement team worked with Tollgate Primary school to create posters to encourage people to stop fly-tipping.

Tollgate Primary school were asked to get involved in designing a poster which saw 30 students from across the school get involved.

Jordan Noble, our influence and engagement administrator explains:

“My colleagues and I have thoroughly enjoyed working on this project with the students at Tollgate Primary School. The amount of effort each student that took part put into their poster is incredible and a real credit to the school. It’s been heartwarming to see the enthusiasm from the children to help make a difference to some of their local communities. We really hope that this project will showcase just how important it is, not only to us at Havebury and our residents, but the children growing up in our communities that our areas are kept hygienic and tidy. We would love to do more projects like this in the future that involve people within our communities as we all want to live in an area we respect and are proud of.”

Our CEO, Andrew Smith was so impressed with the designs that we have decided to create multiple signs across the Mildenhall Estate which were unveiled at our community day on 12 June 2024.

The winning design was done by Zaena (pictured below)


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