These are grants which are awarded to members of our community for specific projects such as football kits, contributions towards a restoration, or a community project. You can find out more here.
- There is a set annual budget
- This is allocated on a first come first served basis
- A group can apply for multiple grants per year if they are being used for different projects
- The maximum grant available is £10,000 per project
- We assess each project to ensure they fit in with our criteria
- Our Community Investment Group will make a decision about the project and then funds will be allocated
We would really like to see how the community groups are getting on with their projects and we will keep in touch with them to see their progress and share this on our website and social channels.
We want to understand if you think we should update the way we currently allocate the Community Investment Grant funds.
What we could do;
- Remove the maximum amount allowed and only offer smaller grants, this would help out more community groups
- Only allow two grants at the maximum amount and split the remaining funding, allowing us to contribute to two larger projects but still helping smaller community projects
- Only allow applicants to apply for a grant every other year meaning there will be funding available for other community groups
- Continue to allow groups to apply every year
Please use the form below to give your feedback and if you have anything further to add please email
How do you think we should allocate funds for our Community Investment Grants?