Got an issue you want to report to us? Just use one of the drop-downs below to find out how you can inform us of your concern.
Got an issue you want to report to us? Just use one of the drop-downs below to find out how you can inform us of your concern.
Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of household or trade waste. It can vary in size, from as little as a single bag of rubbish, to domestic items such as furniture and fridges and has a real impact on your community.
What to do if you discover a fly-tip
If the offence is being committed at the time of the call, please contact your local police team by dialling 101.
We advise you not to touch fly-tipped waste, as it may be dangerous.
The council treats this as a serious offence and will prosecute anyone caught fly-tipping waste.
You can also use myHavebury to report fly-tipping in the area.
Once you are signed into the app you will see the new “tell us something” icon.
View fly-tipping in your area
You can view reported fly-tips by clicking the button below.
Fly-Tipping MapThere are a number of ways you can report anti-social behaviour.
You can call our Neighbourhood and Estates team on 0300 900 3300
You can email the team on
You can report fly-tipping and abandoned vehicles on myHavebury
Or you can complete the online form below
Please note that we collect and process your personal data when you fill in this form. For more information about your rights, click here.