Contact us

You can contact us 24 hours a day on 0300 3300 900.

Our opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 8.30 am to 5 pm
Friday: 8.30 am to 4 pm
Weekends and bank holidays: Closed

Please note our office is open for pre-booked appointments only.


You can tell us what you need 24/7 via myHavebury. Over 50% of households already have an account with us. You can download myHavebury here or via the app store, or simply type into your browser. You can then:

  • report a repair and make or move an appointment with us
  • check your account balance(s) and download the statement
  • make payment on your accounts
  • set up, change or cancel your direct debits with us
  • make arrangements to pay your debt, or apply for a refund if you’re in credit with us
  • tell us if you are moving out and end your home or garage tenancy with us
  • report fly-tips, grass-cutting issues, abandoned vehicles or any other issues where you live
  • update your phone number, email address, or even your name

Below you will find the contact details of the relevant departments.

  • Repairs and emergencies

    Our Repairs team is on hand to handle your responsive repair requests, including permissions for alterations.

    You can report repairs to us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, using the myHavebury App.

    Alternatively, you can also contact the team on 0300 3300 900, selecting:

    • Options 2 and 0 – for Liberty Group (our servicing contractors)
    • Options 2 and 1 – for emergency repairs
    • Options 2 and 2 – for new repairs
    • Options 2 and 3 – for existing repairs
    • Options 2 and 4 – for damp and mould
    • Options 2 and 5 – for service checks, surveys, major repairs and fire safety.

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

    Or you can email


    0300 3300 900

    Please only use this number for real emergencies during out-of-office hours. Using the emergency service for non-emergency matters may result in a financial charge being made against you.

  • Neighbourhood and Estates

    For matters concerning anti-social behaviour, mutual exchanges, tenancy changes (including births, marriages and deed paperwork) and grounds maintenance, please email You can also call 0300 3300 900, choosing options 3 and 1 or enter extension number 7333 when prompted.

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

    Did you know you can now use myHavebury  to report the following;

    • An abandoned vehicle
    • A fly-tip
    • Grounds maintenance issues
    • Name changes

    Please note if you are emailing the Neighbourhood and Estates team, it may take up to ten working days for someone to get back to you.

  • Income team

    You can manage your account and make payments 24/7 using the myHavebury app. If you are looking for advice regarding your rent, payments or universal credit, contact the Income team, who will be more than happy to help on

    If you wish to email the Financial Inclusion team, you can do so on

    You can also contact the team on 0300 3300 900, selecting:

    • Options 3, 2 and 1 or extension 7843 – to speak to a member of the Income team about your balance, direct debit or payments
    • Options 3, 4 and 1 or extension 7305 – to speak to our Financial Inclusion team

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

  • Getting involved

    Our approach to engagement is quite simple:

    We will listen to your voice however you share it with us. We will use your comments to make our services better. We will tell you where we’ve done this using plain and simple language in a timely way. Where we haven’t used your feedback, we’ll explain why.

    For more information or to express interest in engaging with us, please call 0300 3300 900 or email

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

  • Heating Services

    Our Heating Services team handles gas and electrical servicing, from booking your annual gas service to sorting out electrical wiring. You can contact them by emailing

    You can call the team on 0300 3300 900, choosing options 2, 5 and 1 or by entering extension number 7318 when prompted.

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

    If you smell gas, please call the free National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999.

  • Home Ownership

    The Home Ownership team takes care of all home ownership matters, including; right to buy, right to acquire and shared ownership opportunities (both resale and new developments). You can contact the team on, or you can call them on 0300 3300 900, choosing options 4 and 1 or enter extension number 7302 when prompted.

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

  • Viewings and moving home

    We don’t hold a waiting list for our homes – all of our nominations come from local authorities, and you can find out more about that here.

    Should you wish to contact us about one of our empty homes, please call 0300 3300 900, choosing options 3 and 3 or enter extension number 7304 when prompted. You can also email

    You can also let us know if you wish to end your tenancy or terminate your garage contract with us via myHavebury, visit

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.


  • Supported/Independent Living

    Our Supported and Independent Living team take charge of supported housing, gardening and the decorating scheme. If you are looking to speak to a member of the team, please email

    Should you wish to speak with someone in this team, please call  0300 3300 900, choosing options 3, 4 and 2 or enter extension number 7307 when prompted.

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

  • Lucy Adams House

    Lucy Adams House provides support to homeless people aged between 18 and 65. You can contact the team via email, or you can call them on 01284 725487.

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

  • Marketing and communications

    Our Communications team deal with; online customer service, marketing, PR and press enquiries and communications in other languages. You can contact them via email 

    Or you can call 0300 3300 900, choosing options 4 and 3 or enter extension number 7314 when prompted.

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

  • Making a complaint

    If you are unhappy with the service that you have received from us, please let our Customer Experience team know so that we can help you. You can send them an email on

    You can find more information about our complaints service here.

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

  • Service charges

    To discuss the calculation of your service charges, please contact the team on 0300 3300 900, extension 7315.

    Alternatively, you can email them on

    Please note all calls are recorded for training, quality and security purposes.

Social media




Postal address:

Havebury House,
Western Way,
Bury St Edmunds,
IP33 3SP

Please note that there may be a delay in sending and receiving letters.

Registration details

Havebury Housing Partnership is a charitable registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (7648) regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing (LH4339). Registered office: Havebury House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3SP. Havebury is also a member of the National Housing Federation.

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