Our opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 8.30 am to 5 pm
Friday: 8.30 am to 4 pm
Weekends and bank holidays: Closed
Please note our office is open for pre-booked appointments only.
You can tell us what you need 24/7 via myHavebury. Over 50% of households already have an account with us. You can download myHavebury here or via the app store, or simply type my.havebury.com into your browser. You can then:
- report a repair and make or move an appointment with us
- check your account balance(s) and download the statement
- make payment on your accounts
- set up, change or cancel your direct debits with us
- make arrangements to pay your debt, or apply for a refund if you’re in credit with us
- tell us if you are moving out and end your home or garage tenancy with us
- report fly-tips, grass-cutting issues, abandoned vehicles or any other issues where you live
- update your phone number, email address, or even your name
Below you will find the contact details of the relevant departments.