Modern slavery

Modern slavery

As a socially responsible business, we must be alert to the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and in the wider supply chain.

Our businesses

We own two small property services and development companies which operate within East Anglia. These are:

  • Design & Build Services East Ltd, which specialises in the procurement of building and development services
  • Havebury Homes Ltd, which develops properties for market sale

Our supply chain

We do not currently trade outside the UK. Wherever possible, we procure labour and materials from within the local community. Our supply chain includes construction, building maintenance, heating and kitchen installation.

It also includes:

  • Property cleaning
  • Maintenance services
  • Purchasing of ICT and office equipment
  • Specialist care providers

Contracts with our supply chain include specific clauses in relation to modern slavery. In turn, they are legally bound to certify that they conduct due diligence on their own supply chains.

Due diligence processes

We provide training to staff to ensure high levels of understanding in this area. This covers:

  • Modern slavery
  • Human trafficking
  • Our supply chain
  • The business

This training, where appropriate, is also offered to our:

  • Supply chain
  • Business partners
  • Tenants

Regular reviews

Our leadership team regularly reviews our contract register to identify and check any high-risk contracts. They also use data collated from contract review meeting reports to track the effectiveness of these processes. The results of these reviews are reported to our Strategic Board on an annual basis.

Meanwhile, open and transparent communications between managers and staff are promoted through our management charter. We also have a whistleblowing policy. This allows our employees to raise concerns over anything in the business.

Click here to view our 2024 Modern Slavery Statement.

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