Jobcentre Plus Budgeting Loans
Do you receive a benefit based on your income? If the answer is yes, and you have been receiving this benefit for more than 26 weeks, you could apply for a loan for urgent fuel bills from Jobcentre Plus. These loans are interest-free and you pay them back through future benefit payments. For more information or to apply, click here or contact your local Jobcentre Plus.
British Gas Energy Trust
If you have outstanding gas and/or electricity debts, you can apply to the British Gas Energy Trust for a grant to pay these off. You can be a customer of any energy supplier, not just British Gas. Grants can also be paid to clear other priority debts, and to buy essential household items. For more information, click here or call 0121 348 7797.
EDF Energy Customer Support Fund
Current customers of EDF Energy can apply for a grant to pay their gas and electricity bills. To apply, click here.
npower Energy Fund
npower customers can apply for a grant to pay their gas and electricity bills. To apply, click here or call 01733 421021.
Suffolk County Council Warm Homes Healthy People Fund
If you’re struggling to keep warm, or are worrying about the cost of heating your home, you can apply for funding from Suffolk County Council. Click here for more information or call 03456 037 686.