Helen Cullop from The Local Conversation Haverhill South said, “We received positive feedback from those who attended, and it would be great to have a regular time for Havebury to be in Haverhill to talk about any issues or concerns”.
Following on from this feedback, we are planning regular drop-in sessions in Haverhill and other communities where we have homes so you can engage with us more regularly more details of these will follow soon.
We also worked with idverde to facilitate the collection of fly-tips to keep your area clean and tidy and correctly dispose of bulkier items.
Members of our teams from across the business took part in litter picking across various locations. We also chatted with residents about concerns they may have. Where we couldn’t answer something immediately, we made sure we got back to them afterwards.
One resident from Thetford commented, “I have been living in my home for several years, and I have never had any problems. I am delighted with how quickly things are dealt with”.
Jordan Noble, one of our influence and engagement advisors, said, “Our community days gave us a fantastic opportunity to engage with our residents on a 1-1 level and deal with their feedback directly. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who attended. It’s been beneficial to hear ideas from our residents on ways we can engage with them in the future”.
Following further feedback from our residents, we plan to bring back our clean-up days this year.
If you visited any of our community days last year and have any feedback, or if you have any ideas for things you would like us to consider this year, please get in touch with the Customer Experience team engagement@havebury.com