Influence and engagement strategy - blog post
Posted on: June 9th 2023   •    Posted in: General News

Our new Resident Influence and Engagement Strategy

Our new Influence and Engagement Strategy, builds on work we’ve undertaken in the last few years, including the project we undertook with resident engagement specialists, TPAS, and our residents and board members.

Our vision for this strategy is simple. We will ensure that you can engage with us and influence our services, in a way that suits you. This includes identifying and removing any barriers that prevent you from doing this.

In our previous strategy, 2021-2023, we widened out what we meant by engagement, to include things like complaints and compliments we receive. These are valuable for understanding what works well and where we can improve. Having the opportunity to provide feedback in this way is a preferred method of engagement for some of our residents.

Throughout this strategy, we will continue to promote influence and engagement options for you, including being a member of one of our Tenant Voice Panels or getting involved in something more local – such as a community event in your area.

We also want to be confident that, even if you don’t want to formally engage with us, you are happy with our services and know how you can influence and engage with us if you ever want to.

To read our new strategy, click here. To read more about how you can get involved with us, click here. 

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